Member Corner

Members Corner

Some of our favorite Ham Radio websites and apps shared by our members. – AllScan is Free & Open-Source Software for AllStar Nodes. AllScan provides Favorites Management features, Connection Monitoring & Control functions, and a Dashboard View integrating Live AllStarLink Stats Data. Click the link for the GitHub page with a full features list, description, install & update instructions, release notes, FAQs & more. Along with Supermon, this is my favorite AllStarLink program!
[Submitted by K5LK]

Antenna building: Open Stub 144/440 Dual band J-Pole Project.
[Submitted by W5XCW] – Listen to live amateur, police, fire, EMS, aviation and rail audio feeds.
[Submitted by W5iTZ]

Brandmeister – is a platform for DMR users to access and manage their repeaters, hotspots, voice calls and more.

CHIRP (programming software) – is a free, open-source tool for programming your radio. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats.

Club Log – is an online database with a suite of powerful tools supporting active DXers.

DMR Texas Webpage – a central place to find information about a DMR repeater network in Texas. [Submitted by N5KJN 1/22/2025]

DX Watch (DX cluster, DX spots) – is a web site intended for amateur radio enthusiasts. It’s mission is to publish a web site which can work as a real DX tool.

DXInfoCentre – 6-Day forecast of VHF, UHF, and Microwave Radio and TV anomalous propagation. [Submitted by AE5II] – Site used to see DX spots.
[Submitted by W5CUY] – Another popular DX cluster site. [Submitted by W5CUY]

DX-World – Calendar and Information on current and upcoming DXpeditions with links to expedition websites. [Submitted by WB8FVB] – Lots of data on equipment. Reviews include the good, bad, common failures, history and version info. Can also be used as a search term – example: “eham review flex radio”. [Submitted by KG5IAZ]

Grid Tracker – originally designed to listen to and display traffic from WSJT-X ti a map – it has evolved to a warehouse of amateur radio information presented in an easy to use interface, from live traffic decodes, logbooks, real-time spot reports, weather, current solar conditions and more.

HamAlert – is a system that allows you to get notifications when a desired station appears on the DX cluster, the Reverse Beacon Network, SOTAwatch, POTA, or PSK Reporter. – Custom made battery backed up power supplies for all your ham radio needs. (CRHRC Member owned business) [Submitted by W5iTZ]

HamClock – HamClock is a kiosk-style application that provides real time space weather, radio propagation models, operating events and other information particularly useful to the radio amateur. [Submitted by KG5HFL] – All in one hotspot radios for use with AllStar nodes also complete plug and play Allstar hotspot nodes. DIY options available also. [Submitted by N5TZV] – Kiwi is a SDR (software defined radio) receiver for the entire frequency range from 10 kHz up to 30 mHz. Locations all over the world. In search bar put town, state or country you would like to listen to. [Submitted by AI5E]

Logbook Of The World – LOTW is used to confirm QSOs from around the globe.
[Submitted by W5CUY]

N1MM Logger+ (according to the author) is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. – Satellite tracking and notification site. [Submitted by W5iTZ]

N3FJP Amateur Contact Log (Logging software) – Tracking of Worked All States, Worked All Counties, Worked All Countries, DXCC, VUCC, Grids, Zones, IOTAs, Lighthouses and many other achievements. [Submitted by WB8FVB]

See more features of N3FJP

Full support for standard Amateur Data Interchange Format (ADIF) import and export. Export your whole log or selected records in ADIF for applications such as eQSL and the ARRL’s LoTW (Log Book of the World).

Easily manage your log and Logbook of the World (LoTW). ACLog will sign and upload your contacts to LoTW and download your confirmations from LoTW.

Upload QSOs directly to eQSL, QRZ and Club Log.

Interfaces with most Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood, Ten Tec and Yaesu radios.

Interfaces with many digital programs and other software via API including WSJT-X, N7YG, Fldigi, JTAlert, PSK Express and more!

A Net Manager form, used for logging with multiple stations. Whether you are managing a formal net or just joining in on a casual round table, this form makes logging with a group quick and easy.

Provides DX spotting via Telnet, your packet TNC or AGW Packet Engine. Audio alert for needed spots.

Send keyboard CW via your comm port or WinKey and play wave files via your sound card.

Quickly print basic QSL label strips and address labels (does not support label printers and labels are not customizable through AC Log).

Interfaces with the QRZ and Ham Call Internet lookup services, as well as several free options.

Interfaces with many digital programs and other software via API including Fldigi, JTAlert, PSK Express and more!

Optionally display your call sign when the program loads!

Easily customizable for Parks on the Air (POTA) operations!

Display all the entities you have worked, current QSOs and DX Spots on a real time world map!

Fully networkable! Whether you want to use AC Log for a DXPedition, or you just want to access your log from multiple PCs simultaneously at your home or club station, AC Log will support multiple clients updating a single database, just like our Field Day software!

Netlogger – Amateur radio logging program. This is the program CRHRC uses to log our weekly nets and Tech Net. – Node and Controller solutions for AllStar, EchoLink, DMR, P25, YSF, FCS & NXDN. [Submitted by W5iTZ]

Parks On The Air (POTA) – tracks the locations and modes of amateur radio stations operating in public parks and forests around the world.

QRZ.COM – Look up almost any amateur radio call sign in the world.
[Submitted by W5iTZ] – Register for a DMR ID here.
[Submitted by N0NIL] – The world’s largest radio communication data provider, featuring a complete frequency database, trunked radio system information and FCC license data. Mobile apps available. [Submitted by W5iTZ] – Amateur radio’s most comprehensive, worldwide, FREE repeater directory. Now supporting GMRS.
[Submitted by W5iTZ]

Reverse Beacon Network – is a revolutionary new idea. Instead of beacons actively transmitting signals, the RBN is a network of stations listening to bands and reporting what stations they hear, when and how well.

RT Systems (commercial programming software)

SHARI – KitsForHams.comSHARI (SA818 Ham Allstar Radio Interface) is a ham construction project that implements a Raspberry Pi hosted Allstar node using a NiceRF SA818 embedded UHF (420 – 450 MHz) or VHF (144-148 MHz) radio module.  SHARI plugs into two USB jacks on a Raspberry Pi2, 3 or 4. [Submitted by W5iTZ] – Current space weather effecting Ham Radio
[Submitted by W5NF] – Buy, sell or trade ham radio equipment. [Submitted by AI5E]

TX VHF FM Society – The TX VHF FM Society is the organization who coordinates (approves) frequencies for use by repeaters based on 5 geographic zones in Texas. Based on this official coordination, they host the most accurate repeater database available.

VHF Propagation Map – This map shows real-time radio propagation from stations operated near 144 MHz. It uses data gathered by Automatic Packet Reporting System-Internet Service (APRS-IS) from packet stations in the amateur radio service.

WSJT-X – WSJT-X is software that implements communication protocols or “modes” called FST4, FST4W, FT4, FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, Q65, MSK144, and WSPR, as well as one called Echo for detecting and measuring your own radio signals reflected from the Moon. These modes were designed for making reliable, confirmed QSOs under extreme weak-signal conditions.

Use the form below to submit and share your favorite Ham Radio websites and apps.