Cross Roads Ham Radio Club / Amateur Radio Events
CRHRC Membership Gatherings
The CRHRC Membership gatherings are held at 8 AM on the third Saturday of each month at Estella’s Mexican Food Restaurant Meeting Room located at 109 S. Third St. in Ganado, TX. Breakfast food and drinks are available for purchase during the meetings. We occasionally schedule the gatherings at alternate locations for the convenience of distant members. Please watch the membership email for alternate locations.
If you or someone you know is interested in initial or upgrade testing immediately following a meeting, give us a heads up at and we’ll work to put together a test team to administer your test.
CRHRC Thursday Night Nets
CRHRC holds a weekly net every Thursday Night at 7pm. The net is simulcast on all linked repeaters! You can also access the net using the following technologies:
- Allstar node 28528
- EchoLink: W5LCR-L
- YSF: US-CRHRC-TX or #62426 (linked only during nets)
CRHRC TechNets
CRHRC holds a monthly Technet on the first Mondy of each month at 8PM. It includes one main topic presented for approximately 15 minutes followed by Q&A, then open forum. Technets are also available to non-licensed individuals via ZOOM. Please see our Technet website for additional information.
Amateur Radio News
FCC $35 Amateur Application Fee Effective Date Announced.
The FCC released a Public Notice on March 23, 2022, stating that the amateur radio application fees, including those associated with Form 605 application filings, would become effective on April 19, 2022. The Federal Communications Commission’s authority to impose and collect fees is mandated by Congress.
The $35 application fee, when it becomes effective on April 19, will apply to new, modification (upgrade and sequential call sign change), renewal, and vanity call sign applications. The fee will be per application.
Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, will be exempt from fees.
Read more at the ARRL web site.
Special Events / Contests
Hamfests / Swap Meets / Field Events
Past Events

CRHRC 2024 Annual Field Day
June 22nd – 23rd @ “The Mill”
605 South St. Louise, TX 77455
CRHRC 2023 Summer Field Day

The 2023 Amateur Radio Field Day is an annual event that took place this year on June 24th and 25th at Brackenridge Park and Campground. It is a chance for amateur radio operators (hams) to come together and demonstrate their skills in emergency communications. Hams from all over the country set up temporary stations in parks, schools, and other public places to make contacts with other hams and the general public. See more …
We will be posting our stats as soon as they are published by ARRL. In the meantime, enjoy our pictures from this year’s event.
2022 Field Day
CRHRC held our 2022 Field Day event on June 25th and 26th at the Brackenridge Park Campgrounds located at 891 Brackenridge Pkwy. outside of Edna, TX. We will be posting our stats as soon as they are published by ARRL. In the meantime, enjoy our pictures from the event.
CHRHC 2021 Field Day June 26 – 27
CRHRC held our first annual Field Day on June 26 – 27 at Brackenridge Park and Camp Ground located at 891 Brackenridge Pkwy Edna, TX. It was a huge success and we set brand new field day records! (hi,hi)
What is Field Day? Field Day is a picnic, a campout, practice for emergencies, an informal contest and, most of all, FUN!
It is a time where many aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight our many roles. While some will treat it as a contest, other groups use the opportunity to practice their emergency response
capabilities. It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the organizations that Amateur Radio might serve in an emergency, as well as the general public. For many clubs, ARRL Field Day is one of the highlights of their annual calendar.
The contest part is simply to contact as many other stations as possible and to learn to operate our radio gear in
abnormal situations and less than optimal conditions.
We use these same skills when we help with events such as marathons and bike-a-thons; fund-raisers such as walka-thons; celebrations such as parades; and exhibits at fairs, malls and museums — these are all large, preplanned, non-emergency activities.
But despite the development of very complex, modern communications systems — or maybe because they ARE so
complex — ham radio has been called into action again and again to provide communications in crises when it really matters. Amateur Radio people (also called “hams”) are well known for our communications support in real disaster
and post-disaster situations.
For more information about CHRHC Field Day, please email
CRHRC In Person Antenna Build Project – April 17, 2021
On Saturday April 17th, we got together for our first “Antenna build Project” and built “2 meter Tape Measure Yagi” antennas. We had a great time and many members met “face to face” for the first time.
check out our pictures from the event below.
Below is the detail, schematic and parts list we used for our build.