Cross Roads Ham Radio Club is supported by the generosity of member’s and user’s donations. Your support really does make a difference.
We have moved to Zeffy as our donation payment processor.
Zeffy currently supports 50,000 nonprofits like CRHRC and does not deduct processing fees from your donation. Your complete donation is used for what you intended. (You can learn more about Zeffy here).
An optional processing fee is added to your payment by default. You have the option of deselecting the option to pay the processing fee for your donation.
You do not need to create an account or setup an app to use Zeffy. Simply click the donate button below, enter your information into a safe and secure form, select one time, monthly, or yearly recurring donation and submit. Thats it! Your donation is on its way to support the work of the club.
We appreciate your willingness to support the network and mission of Cross Roads Ham Radio Club!